VGG Dataset Statistics

Train dataset

VGG train

statistic value
Number of Identity 8,631
Number of Total Images 3,141,890
Min of # Images / ID 87
Max of # Images / ID 843
Median of # Images / ID 359

VGG test

statistic value
Number of Identity 500
Number of Total Images 163,396
Min of # Images / ID 98
Max of # Images / ID 761
Median of # Images / ID 325

Model Training

Training 1-- Classification Problem (04/16/2018)

Mode: Classification problem, (8,361 categories) Data Loading: PyTorch built-in scheme mini-batch size: 1,792

Training 2 -- Classification Problem (04/18/2018)

Mode: Classification problem, (8,361 categories) Data Loading: Custom scheme made by SGAO mini-batch size:

DataSet Object by SGAO

Dlib style: mini-batch size = (num1, num2), where num1 indicates the number of identities and num2 indicates the number of images of each of these identities.


  • __len__ method: defined as 2 x num_total_id / num1
  • __getitem__ method: returns [Tensor (size=num1 x C x H x W), Tensor (size=num2)]

Model Object by SGAO

Dlib Style: 29-layer ResNet with reduced number of kernels of each convolutional layer.

Loss Object by SGAO (04/18/2018)

Pair-wise hinge loss with hypterparameters which are distance and margin.

Performs hard negative mining.

TRICK: access model attributes wrapper by nn.DataParallel (PyTorch)

According to discussion:


Modify accuracy metric (04/19/2018)

if label[i] == label[j]:
    if dist(i, j) < threshold:
        num_right += 1
        num_wrong += 1
    if dist(i, j) >= threshold:
        num_right += 1
        num_wrong += 1

accuracy = 100.0 * num_right / (num_right + num_wrong)
UPDATE on accuracy metric (04/20/2018)


Given: batch_size = (36, 48), then
num_same_pair = 36 x 48 x 47 / 2 = 40,608
num_diff_pair = (36 x 48) x (36 x 48) / 2 - num_same_pair = 1,451,520

When `num_diff_pair` are all correct while `num_same_pair` are all wrong,
accuracy = 1,451,520 / (40,608 + 1,451,520) = 0.972785

According to the above example, we observe the imbalance of "same identity pairs" and "different identity pairs" causes the accuracy metric to mean less.

Two approaches to remedy

  • Modify the validation mini-batch size for more balanced data
  • Modify the accuracy subroutine, using weighted accuracy

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