
Reproduce the result claimed by dlib author, i.e. trained a 30-layer ResNet to achieve 99.4% accuracy on LFW face verification benchmark.

Further optimize it if possible.

Use PyTorch.

Implementation Plan

  • [x] Calculate statistics of the dataset (train and test) of VGG dataset;

  • [x] Modify 34-layer ResNet to 30-layer one and train a classification network;

  • [x] Do the above step using uncleaned dataset, i.e. no face detection no alignment no shit;

  • [x] Take notes of the performance of the trained model;

  • [ ] Modify loss function from multinomial logistic loss to the pair-wise hinge loss;

  • [ ] Retrain the model (maybe transfer learning) and take notes of the performance;

  • [ ] Experiment with cleaned data, i.e. face detection;

  • [ ] Use transfer learning on Asian faces;

  • [ ] First just train the classifier -- last layer;

  • [ ] Second experiment with fine-tuning the ConvNet.


  • FaceNet
  • DeepFace

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