Artificial Intelligence

What AI Does Well

  1. Reasoning: Legal assessment; financial asset management; financial application processing; games; autonomous weapons systems.

  2. Knowledge: Medical diagnosis; druge creation; media recommendation; purchase prediction; financial market trading; fraud prevention.

  3. Planning: Logistics; scheduling; navigation; physical and digital network optimization; predictive maintenance; demand forecasting; inventory management.

  4. Communication: Voice control; intelligent agents, assistants and customer support; real-time translation of written and spoken languages; real-time transcription.

  5. Perception: Autonomous vehicles; medical diagnosisl surveillance.

Machine Learning

The GOAL of most machine learning is to develop a prediction engine for a particular use case.

The defining characteristic of machine learning algorithms is that the quality of their predictions improve with experience.

Machine Learning Algorithms beyond Deep Learning

  • random forests: that create multitudes of detection trees to optimise a prediction

  • Bayesian networks: that use a probabilistic approach to analyse variables and the relationships between them

  • support vector machines: that are fed categorised examples and create models to assign new inputs to one of the categories

  • linear / logistic regression

  • boosted decision trees

note Each approach has its pros and cons, and combinations may be used (an "ensemble" approach).

Deep Learning

Why Deep Learning

  • We cannot specify the features to optimise ina way that is practical and reliable.

  • It avoids the programmer having to undertake the tasks of feature specification (defining the features to analyse from the data), or optimization (how the weigh the data to deliver an accurate prediction) -- the algorithm does both.

What Deep Learning Does Well

  • recognise elements in pictures
  • translate bewtween languages in real-time
  • use speech to control devices
  • predict how genetic variation will effect DNA transcription
  • analyse sentiment in customer reviews
  • detect tumours in medical images

What I am Interested in

keywords: enhanced targeting, intelligent job matching, automated assessment, friend suggestion, ad targeting, user interest prediction, supply / demand simulation, search result ranking

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